Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Vallejo Tree Lighting

My family and I are going to Six Flags Marine World to see the tree lighting ceremony tonight. It is the first year ever for the park. They promise the world's largest tree, more than a million lights, holiday themed shows and "plenty of wintertime fun." We hope the kids will love it. I on the other handwill have my fingers crossed for the planning crew behind this event.

As a former mall marketing director, I clearly recall my first tree lighting, months of planning, hours of meetings, thousands of lights and when we plugged it in at the appointed minute...darkness descended. My fabulous (not) maintenance man had miscalculated the electrical load and overloaded the circuits. I, in my planning innocence, of course didn't think to ask the guy in charge of electricity for 1 million square feet if he had enough power. It was a powerful lesson. I now believe God is in the details, not the devil, and I pay attention.

If you want to see some other holiday events I recommend, please check out my post on

I would love to hear about your favorite holiday event, stories and travel ideas.